Jean Lightner

Jean Lightner

Dr. Jean Lightner is an adjunct professor with Liberty University Online. She has a B.S. in Agriculture (Animal Science major), a D.V.M., and a M.S. in veterinary preventive medicine. After working just over three years as a veterinary medical officer for the US Department of Agriculture, she resigned to stay at home and teach her four children. Now that her children are grown, she is deeply involved in creation research. She has contributed numerous articles to creation journals, magazines, and websites and serves as a board member for the Creation Research Society. She is also a member of the Creation Biology Society, Christian Veterinary Mission and the National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps.

  • Elementary Science: Soil, Sea, & Sky (Curriculum Pack)
  • The Ecology Book
  • The Ecology Book (Download)
    The Ecology Book (Download)

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