Foundations in Worship is a unique homeschool Bible curriculum created to expand your junior high and high school student’s understanding of God and the Gospel through the study of hymns. This engaging, full-color Bible elective reveals scriptural truths expressed in these long-cherished anthems of the Christian faith. As they study the hymn writer and their faith, your student will learn to better articulate their own faith in God. Lessons can be completed in 20-40 minutes over five days a week in this one-year course.
Activate a deeper understanding of worship and love for God with Foundations in Worship, Master Books’ homeschool Bible curriculum for junior high and high school students. This full-color course uses exceptional, traditional hymns to guide your student in a biblical exploration of what worship is and why it matters. Also used as a music appreciation elective, this one-year course has an easy-to-follow schedule allowing students to complete their lessons in 20-40 minutes over five days a week.
Foundations in Worship provides an in-depth discipleship experience through a study of hymns, the hymn writers, and the biblical messages within the songs. 7th – 12th grade students will learn to worship God in word and song using doctrinally sound hymns of faith.
Using Master Books’ celebrated method of education, this workbook-style hymnology course will lead your students to:
Recognize and seek the connections between hymns and Scripture
Discover how the hymns reflect the hymn writer’s personal faith journey
Learn to apply biblical concepts from the hymns to their own faith
Develop creative and engaging presentation skills
Learn to clearly articulate their thoughts and faith
Use Foundations in Worship to further develop your student’s biblical worldview and help them discern the biblical basis for modern worship songs. As devoted worshippers and students of the Word, your children will be learning to personally fulfill the Ephesians 5:19 instruction to “speak to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.”
Recommended for: Grades 7-12 / 1 Year / 1 Credit
Table of Contents
How to Use this Book
1. What is Worship?
2. How Firm a Foundation
3. Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
4. Hallelujah, What a Savior!
5. It is Well with my Soul
6. Faith Is the Victory!
7. And Can It Be
8. I am His, and He is Mine
9. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
10. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
11. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
12. The Old Rugged Cross
13. Arise, My Soul, Arise
14. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
15. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
16. According to Thy Gracious Word
17. Deeper and Deeper
18. He Ransomed Me
19. Crown Him with Many Crowns
20. No Blood, No Altar Now
21. The Solid Rock
22. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
23. Joy to the World
24. All My Sins Have Been Forgiven
25. Complete in Thee
26. A Child of the King
27. Christ the Lord is Risen Today
28. Once for All!
Engagement Ideas
Hymn Presentation
Answer Key
Customer Reviews
Review byRaychal
What a beautiful devotional for kids to understand worship in a real way. Especially those that are musically minded.
Right on!!!!
Review byHeather
This is SO cool! Really cool!! We are so thankful to have found this course.
Our 13 year old son loves it. We use it as his daily am Bible study. He started it when he was 12 in grade 7 with just the print off samples to see if he liked it, and he really did. It would be good for his age up to graduation …or after as well. (I‘m enjoying it myself!) he is an accomplished pianist and often plays piano for worship /hymn sing in our church, so this was right in line with one of his hobbies. It is the perfect supplement with his piano lessons and nice to hear a different hymn being practiced every week.
It was an easy decision to go ahead and buy the course and printing it off I ended up reading so much of it!) We are excited for when the younger sisters can benefit from it as well. What a blessing to study hymns and not let this tradition fade from the generations ahead. I know that studying these hymns will not only help him to learn about the musicians who wrote them but also learn and grow in his faith which will impact the next generations to come.
Another MasterBooks win!
Review byNereida
And that’s a wrap for Foundations in Worship. We had some great presentations last night. We did this as a group class. All of the students enjoyed this course and grew so much! They said this course was fun, engaging, enriching to their faith, and they pay more attention to what they’re singing in church, and the strength of the theology in worship songs. I call this a win and a life skilled earned. It’s been a beautiful year of growth! We are incredibly blessed and thankful for MB! Highly, highly recommend this course for middle or high school, Sunday school or family devotions! Also, seeing kids grow in their faith, defend it, and public speaking skills to share their testimonies and the gospel is beyond words! Buy this treasure and enjoy the journey!
My music lover really likes this curriculum.
Review byGina
My son is a music lover and has enjoyed this curriculum. I feel that there could be a little more to each day’s work. I also wish there was some sort of quiz/assessment available along with the project/presentation based assignments.
Love this!!
Review byElizabeth
Thanks Master Books, my daughter has so enjoyed this curriculum, please expand on this format, and make more like this for four years worth of upcoming high school (she’s currently in 7).
Beautifully done
Review byLC
My 7th grade daughter says this is her favorite course this year. She saves it for last so she can really immerse herself into it. I love that it is educational yet a wonderful devotional for her as well. We have enjoyed talking about what she is reading and learning in this course. She has grown so much closer in her walk with God.
Multi Purpose
Review byMary Clare
While I purchased this for our family to use, I also shared it with the school board of our new Christian School. Lessons can easily be adapted for a group setting. I'm so grateful that our rich history of hymns will be preserved for future generations, and not just preserved but taken to heart and made their own.
Worship as a Foundation
Review byRachael
Oral presentations-Public speaking
Music appreciation
Scriptural study
Poetry Unit
These are just some of the ways one could utilize Foundations in Worship. I went through a few weeks for myself and found it engaging and interesting. The lessons are just enough to add as an elective, but not too much that it will overwhelm your students.
Review bydeon
This course is so unique. I appreciate that hymns are still desired and that there are those who are still wanting to teach and pass on to the next generation. This course is for ages 12+. There are just enough activities each day to be engaging, but not too many that one gets bored.
Rather than a quiz there is an opportunity to present to family. This is great for intro to public speaking.
This course is a must have addition to your homeschool.
A Wonderful Resource
Review byCatherine
We incorporated Foundations in Worship to our morning group time and it has been such a great addition to our bible study!
I have a 12yr and 4yr old who both enjoy listening to each hymn introduced and learning what/how biblical truths are incorporated as well. I love the Bible verses at each start of the lesson; it give us a moment to think about what it means and how each child interprets it. The lessons don't take a lot of time to go over - which makes it a great addition to anyone's morning routine or rotation.
(I received this product for free in exchange for this post)