Jacobs’ Geometry utilizes a clear, conversational, engaging approach to teach your student the concepts, principles, and application of Geometry through practical, real-life application! Harold Jacobs guides your student through Geometry, enabling them to discover the concepts & their applications for themselves in order to develop an understanding of the principles that goes beyond simple memorization to pass a test.
Jacobs’ unique instructional approach to math means your student:
Develops a true understanding of geometric principles
Interacts with concepts using real-world examples, ensuring they’ll know exactly how to apply the material they are learning to real-life and other academic subjects
Is prepared to take their understanding of Geometry concepts outside the math textbook and successfully apply them to higher math courses, sciences, & everyday life
Is equipped with an understanding of the foundational mathematical concepts of Geometry—and once a student truly understands the concepts in Geometry, they are equipped & prepared for all higher math & sciences!
Engaging, Real-World Instruction
Understanding both the why and how of Geometry is foundational to your student’s success in high school and college. Jacobs’ Geometry provides students with a clear and thorough understanding of why concepts work, as well as how they are applied to solve real-world problems.
A Top Choice for High School Success & College Prep
Jacobs’ Geometry has proven its ability to guide students towards success and is still the choice of top teachers and schools. The unique instructional method within Jacobs’ Geometry ensures your student understands both the why and how of Geometry and establishes a strong foundation for higher math & science courses. If your student is planning for college or a STEM career, Jacobs’ Geometry ensures they are equipped with the tools they need to succeed!
Answers to select exercises in the back of the text
Flexible based on focus & intensity of course
Set I exercises review ideas & concepts from previous lessons to provide ongoing application of material.
Set II exercises allow student to apply material from the new lesson
Set III exercises provided additional, more challenging problems
Now Geometry is even easier with video instruction. Learn more and watch the first chapter for free at Master Books Academy.
Table of Contents
A Letter to the Student
Introduction: Euclid, the Surfer, and the Spotter
Inductive Reasoning
1. An Introduction to Geometry
2. The Nature of Deductive Reasoning
3. Lines and Angles
4. Congruence
5. Inequalities
6. Parallel Lines
7. Quadrilaterals
8. Transformations
Midterm Review
9. Area
10. Similarity
11. The Right Triangle
12. Circles
13. The Concurrence Theorems
14. Regular Polygons and the Circle
15. Non-Euclidean Geometries
16. Inequalities
Final Review
Postulates and Theorems
Answers to Selected Exercises
Illustration Credits
“This is one of the great geometry books of all time!”
Donald J. Albers, The Mathematical Association of America
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Customer Reviews
Saved Math Sophomore Year
Review byElizabeth
We started the year with another math curriculum and my daughter was really struggling. We tried Masterbooks Geography at a friend's recommendation, and it was just what she needed! She was interested in learning again and found it a manageable workload. She liked the puzzle type problems that kept it interesting and she was able to do the rest of the year without needing a lot of help from me. Thankful we tried Masterbooks! We have used a lot of their curriculum since.
Helps you understand the practical necessity for learning Geometry along with a deeper understanding of how and why it works.
Review byKathleen
I love the practicality of the lessons. Some of the things covered in this book are: how lines are used in designing a city, telling time with shadows, angles in measuring the earth, how polygons were used for pyramid architecture, and many others.
This is not a typical Geometry book that gives you words and definitions without context. The author uses entertaining illustrations, including cartoons. There are pictures throughout that demonstrate how that concept is used in the world.
Some helpful things included are an Algebra review and a Summary, and Review in each chapter.
There are three books for this level. Student Textbook (where the problems are) Teacher Guide (schedule, instruction, and solutions), and a Solutions Manual (fully worked out solutions for each problem).
There is also a video course for this level in Master Books Academy.
Helps you understand the practical necessity for learning Geometry along with a deeper understanding of how and why it works.
Review byKathleen
I love the practicality of the lessons. Some of the things covered in this book are: how lines are used in designing a city, telling time with shadows, angles in measuring the earth, how polygons were used for pyramid architecture, and many others.
This is not a typical Geometry book that gives you words and definitions without context. The author uses entertaining illustrations, including cartoons. There are pictures throughout that demonstrate how that concept is used in the world.
Some helpful things included are an Algebra review and a Summary, and Review in each chapter.
There are three books for this level. Student Textbook (where the problems are) Teacher Guide (schedule, instruction, and solutions), and a Solutions Manual (fully worked out solutions for each problem).
There is also a video course for this level in Master Books Academy.
Great Geometry Curriculum
Review byCrystal
This looks like the geometry book that I wish I had back in high school! The student book is written in a conversational tone, which helps lead the students through the instruction. There are plenty of graphics, pictures, visual examples, and even cartoons and drawings to help engage the student and explain the material. I found the teaching part of the lesson to be pleasantly brief – an interesting piece of information from history or science that’s tied to the topic, a short written instruction, then the author goes straight to using examples to show the math concept. Math is consistently tied to interesting real world applications, making the information both relevant and memorable.
Great Fit For Our Family
Review byLaurie
Our family has trusted Master Books for our homeschool journey from preschool all the way to high school. I have noticed starting in around the 9th-grade level the courses really ramp up in difficulty level. This course is no exception. We got this course for my daughter's math next year. But have spent a good amount of time looking it over with her and doing the beginning chapter to make sure it is a good fit for her. One thing we both appreciated is how entertaining they make the chapters. It's so much easier to follow than your average public school textbook. After diving into this course we will definitely be purchasing the Master Books Academy supplement next year along with the solutions manual. She is very much looking forward to this course.
Amazing Geometry book!
Review byDustie
Many math courses teach student how to solve problems, which is important. However, if they do not understand why they are doing so, the text or course has failed them. This book provides real world examples of when and how to apply geometric principles, giving the student the “why” to accompany the “how.”
Higher level math courses such as this are often dry. This course is full of engaging applications that help hold the attention of the student. It is an extensive course, but a student who has a foundation in algebra will likely find it to be a natural progression.
The student text does not spend a lot of time on wasteful explanation, it gets to the point quickly to allow the student ample opportunity to practice geometry in real world applications. The approach brings a deeper understanding to the importance of math at higher levels and can open doors and opportunities that the student might not have considered in pursuing future career paths.
Amazing geometry set!
Review byDustie
Many math courses teach student how to solve problems, which is important. However, if they do not understand why they are doing so, the text or course has failed them. This book provides real world examples of when and how to apply geometric principles, giving the student the “why” to accompany the “how.”
Higher level math courses such as this are often dry, but this course is full of engaging applications that help hold the attention of the student.
The course is well organized with clear objectives. The schedule in the teacher guide is easy to follow. The formulary and glossary in the front of the teacher guide are helpful resources for the parent. The exams seem to follow the content well, and the exam answers are in the back of the teacher guide. The solutions guide is useful to ensure understanding or clarify questions.
It is an extensive course, but a student who has a foundation in algebra will likely find it to be a natural progression.
The course requires all books for this to be successful for the student’s learning, as well as, the teacher’s organization and ability to explain. This course will take some time to get through each day, but it is expected to take 180 days to complete from beginning to end and will lay a foundation for even higher level math courses that most college students can use in higher education or careers in STEM.
Love this
Review byAshley
Geometry seeing doing and understanding
This course book is basic geometry made for high school students that have completed Algebra 1. It includes 16 chapters. Chapter 1 covers introduction to Geometry with five sections, chapter 2 covers the nature of deducting reasoning with six sections, chapter 3 covers lines and angles with seven sections, chapter 4 covers congruence with seven sections, chapter 5 covers in quantities with four sections, chapter 6 covers parallel lines with six sections, chapter 7 covers quadrilaterals with six sections, chapter 8 covers Transformations with four sections, a midterm, chapter 9 covers areas with five sections, chapter 10 covers similarities with six sections, chapter 11 covers right angles with seven sections, chapter 12 cover circles with six sections, chapter 13 covers congruency theorems with six sections, chapter 14 covers right polygons and the circle with six sections, chapter 15 covers geometric solids with nine sections, chapter 16 covers non Euclidean geometrics with four sections and there is a final review.
Each chapter section has exercises throughout the course for the student to complete. For the answers, you are going to need to get the solution manual which has all the solutions for the exercises in it. I like this course because it lays out step by step for the student to complete. If you want to test your student, an additional teachers guide is available to purchase and it includes chapter test midterms and final exams with the schedule and answer key.
great curriculum
Review byJennilee
8th and 10th grader were able to work through this with no problems. The content was challenging, but not overwhelming. While there were plenty of problems to practice, it was also easy to choose select problems to avoid busy work.