Journey Through the Creation Museum


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Relive the awe-inspiring experience of touring the Creation Museum. Filled with beautiful photography capturing dozens of spectacular exhibits and vibrant gardens, this book will surely be read time and time again.

For those who have never visited this world-class facility dedicated to upholding the authority of Scripture from the very first verse, you can now enjoy the next-best-thing to a visit and see why millions of people consider the Creation Museum a must-see destination.

SKU M147-2
Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 2.30
Title Journey Through the Creation Museum
ISBN 13 9781683441472
Binding Hardback
Page Count 108
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 11 x 11

Relive the awe-inspiring experience of touring the Creation Museum. Filled with beautiful photography capturing dozens of spectacular exhibits and vibrant gardens, this book will surely be read time and time again.

For those who have never visited this world-class facility dedicated to upholding the authority of Scripture from the very first verse, you can now enjoy the next-best-thing to a visit and see why millions of people consider the Creation Museum a must-see destination.

  • Discover the true history of our world, beginning with Genesis, and learn how sin has destroyed God’s perfect creation.
  • Marvel at God’s incredible creatures, and find out how the Bible makes sense of what we observe.
  • Walk through the Seven C’s of History, beginning with the first Adam and culminating with the Last Adam, Jesus Christ.

While skeptics often treat the Bible as a book of primeval myths, Scripture explains our universe’s real history. The Creation Museum shows guests how the scientific evidence from various disciplines is consistent with the Genesis teaching about Creation and the Flood while the secular view of billions of years and evolution are frequently contradicted by observational science.

The Creation Museum stands as a testimony to the accuracy and authority of God’s Word. Prepare to believe as you embark on this journey through the Creation Museum.

Review by Annie
This book was a great keepsake to add to our library after visiting the Creation Museum. the pictures we took can't compare.
Review by Sarah
We love the creation museum, and this book has been so good to look through and remember what we learned. It also has been great to share with friends and encourage them to go to the creation museum, or even as we talk with them about the Biblical creation account.
Creation Museum
Review by Amanda
Purchased at the museum yesterday! Amazing!
Review by Darlene
We bought this book to look at before we went to visit the Creation museum. It is such a beautiful book. Even our little ones love to look at it and remember the fun times we had there.

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