Master’s Class High School Physics gives your student the knowledge of how energy and matter interact, giving them insights into the true origin of life. Designed for 10th – 12th grade students, this course teaches the basic concepts of modern physics and how to apply those concepts to real life. Practice exercises, lab reports, hands-on experiments, quizzes, and exams are included. This book along with the Master’s Class High School Physics Teacher Guide are required to complete the course.
Have you ever wondered how a fully loaded aircraft carrier can float, but a rock cannot? Have you ever tried to figure out how a plane with hundreds of people can fly? Or how the food you eat becomes the energy that moves your muscles? To understand and appreciate God’s amazing creation, we need to keep asking questions like these. The role of God in creating and maintaining the natural laws is actually critical to your understanding of physics.
The study of physics is often considered a secular study, but students studying this text will find that the precise predictability, exact quantitative nature, and intricate detail of the study of energy and matter are a constant testimony to God’s great wisdom and omnipotent and omnipresent control. The student should be able to see God in every aspect of this course. The goal of this study is physics as Christ would have us see it.
High school science course with lab curriculum
Practice exercises are given with their answers so that the patterns can be used in problem solving
Gain insight into the origin of life so you can show that life could only have been formed by a supernatural act of creation
A teacher guide is available for Master’s Class High School Physics, providing this full−year science course with a detailed schedule, worksheets, and tests. Algebra 1 and Chemistry are pre-requisites for this course.
Table of Contents
1. Physics, Wisdom, and Science
2. Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
3. Force & Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion
4. Vectors
5. Gravity
6. Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Momentum, and Power
7. Work, Machines, and Torque
8. Rotational Motion
9. Projectile Motion
10. Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
11. Heat Energy
12. Laws of Thermodynamics
13. Waves
14. Sound Waves
15. Musical Sound Waves
16. Electromagnetism
17. Light Waves — Electromagnetic Radiation
18. Lenses — Refraction
19. Dispersion of Light and Reflection
20. Electric Circuits 1
21. Electric Circuits 2
22. Atoms and Other Tiny Things
23. Radioactivity
24. Applications of Radioactivity
25. Time
26. The Solar System
27. The Universe
28. Cosmology
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Customer Reviews
Excellent Course
Review byBecky V.
The Master’s Class Physics Set (Revised Edition) is a great science course for your upper high-school student (10th-12th grade). It is a one-year course that will earn your student 1 credit with labs. Time investment is about 45 to 60 minutes per day, five days a week. Pre-requisites include Algebra 1 and Chemistry.
This is an excellent introductory course to the basic concepts and every day applications of Physics with a Christian worldview. The student text is well laid out with a balance of text and appropriate graphics. Each chapter lists the objectives for the lesson that are to be learned. If you follow the suggested schedule, the readings are short - spread out over days 1 and 2, followed by the lab on days 3 & 4, along with a review on day 4 and the quiz on day 5.
Most important of all though, is that through this study of Physics the emphasis is placed on God’s unchanging character and His absolute control of His creation.
The Physics Teacher Guide easily guides you to lead your student through this amazing Physics course.
Solid Course
Review byLexie
This high school level course is a very strong physics curriculum providing an in depth study of physics from a Biblical worldview. In my opinion, many high school books lack visual engagement with the student (which my daughter really needs). This course was a blessing because the pages are very bright, colorful, and engaging. My daughter is interested in studying music beyond high school (plays 3 instruments currently), and she really enjoyed Chapter 15 which was about musical sound waves. It really pulled her in that week, and she was able to share with her music teacher a few things she learned about frequency and hertz. The text contains 28 engaging chapters with lab experiments at the end of each chapter. The teacher's guide includes a daily schedule that is easy to follow as to what to read, when to do worksheets, and when to do labs and quizzes. It includes worksheets, lab reports to fill in, quizzes, and exams to cover several chapters at a time. Plus at the end of the teacher's guide are all of the answers to these items. I love not having to purchase an additional book just to get the answers for this course!
Thorough Physics Course From a Biblical Worldview
Review byDustie
This course is in-depth but very interesting. Expect to spend up to an hour each day (5 days per week) on this course. It is a well-rounded course and is definitely adequate to prepare a college bound student. Algebra is recommended as a prerequisite, as many of the formulas require use of algebraic concepts. Chemistry is also a prerequisite. The course is written from a biblical worldview and demonstrates the creativity, wisdom, and consistency of our Creator. I really appreciate that the course is designed to have 3-4 weeks of reading, labs, worksheets, and a quiz, followed by a week of review before each exam. I really appreciate that Master Books now offers a lab kit with all of the needed supplies for the labs! The text book itself is visually appealing, not just huge walls of text. The photos and graphics are purposeful and colorful. The labs have detailed step-by-step instructions, which is very helpful. This is a good course to follow chemistry for the high school student.
Excellent homeschool science curriculum for high school
Review byKathleen
The study of matter and energy from a Christian Worldview
This book shows how objects move and interact with each other and the world
It also shows how energy and forces occur in the world.
It beautifully displays how God’s wisdom is shown in the creation of the universe.
Includes 28 chapters
Vibrant photos, charts and diagrams on every page. It helps you to “see” what you are reading about immediately.
Detailed lab instructions for every chapter. Includes pictures and lists of required materials
Large glossary in the back
This book gives a student a clear understanding of: matter, motion, energy, magnetism, and the laws that govern the world that God created.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review.
Engaging High School Science
Review byDawn
The student book is colorful and engaging, while not being childish. The material is thorough and includes lab activities with each of the 28 chapters for a well-rounded and complete physics high school course.