Miracle of Israel


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Miracle of Israel offers a biblical and historical timeline of miracle after miracle related to the nation of Israel. Trace the history of the Jewish people revealing prophecy after prophecy that clearly attest to the Lord’s miraculous power and promises fulfilled. Dr. Gary Frazier and Ken Fletcher offer a logical and biblical understanding of ancient prophesies fulfilled, unfolding today, and yet to be realized. Easy to read and hard to put down, this book will cause your faith in God to soar.

A Look Inside

SKU 740-3
Manufacturer New Leaf Press
Weight (in lbs) 0.60
Title Miracle of Israel
Subtitle The Shocking, Untold Story of God's Love for His People
ISBN 13 9780892217403
Contributors Gary Frazier, Jim Fletcher
Binding Paperback
Page Count 192
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 5 1/2 x 8 1/2

Miracle of Israel is a remarkable book detailing God’s preservation of the Jewish people. This is a story of a people and a nation hated by most, tolerated by some, cherished by God, and loved by the followers of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. Gary Frazier and Ken Fletcher logically and biblically trace the history of the Jewish people to present day revealing prophecy after prophecy that clearly attest to the Lord’s miraculous power and promises fulfilled. From historical records to personal, dramatic stories, Miracle of Israel shows us that in keeping epic promises to the nation of Israel, God’s promise of provision for us is sure, perfect, and on time, every time.

Inside you will explore:

  • The promise God gave to Abraham
  • An examination of the ancient prophecies regarding Israel that have happened and are unfolding even today
  • The easy-to-read timeline of miracle after miracle related to the nation of Israel
  • The biblical truth about the future of Israel
  • Appendices to include Israel’s Declaration of Independence, fulfillment of biblical prophecies, an understanding of the Balfour Declaration, and the time of Israel’s judgement

Be amazed as you read about God working through people in history to bring about the fulfillment of His Word. You will finish this book more sure of the God of the Holy Bible who continues to perform miracles and keep His promises.

Table of Contents

  • A Word from Gary
  • Preface
  • Section One: The Past
    • Chapter 1 — Beginnings and Father Abraham
    • Chapter 2 — The Reign of Judges, Saul, David, and Solomon
    • Chapter 3 — The Prophets
  • Section Two: The Present
    • Chapter 4 — The Jesus Years
    • Chapter 5 — Next Year in Jerusalem
    • Chapter 6 — The State of Israel Is Born
    • Chapter 7 — Israel Today
  • Section Three: The Future
    • Chapter 8 — God’s Endgame
    • Chapter 9 — The Millennial Kingdom
    • Chapter 10 — Glory
  • Appendix I: Prophecies Fulfilled at the First Coming of Christ
  • Appendix II: Israel’s Declaration of Independence
  • Appendix III: Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecies
  • Appendix IV: Use of “Palestine” versus “Israel”
  • Appendix V: Understanding the Balfour Declaration
  • Appendix VI: The Time of Israel’s Judgment


“This thrilling narrative not only looks back at the past, looks around us at the present, but reveals biblical truth about Israel’s certain and secure future. Read it and reap!”

O.S. Hawkins President/CEO, GuideStone Financial Resources Former Pastor First Baptist Church in Dallas

“This work will help you understand the place of Israel in Scripture, in prophecy, and in the future.”

Gene Appel, Senior Pastor Eastside Christian Church, Anaheim, CA

“The Miracle of Israel will encourage you to trust God more than ever before in your daily walk with Christ. Gary writes with conviction and clarity and is more than qualified to speak on this subject.”

Dr. Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor First Baptist Church, Dallas, TX

A wealth of information
Review by Shannon
The Miracle of Israel is an interesting look at how the promises of God to Israel have and will be fulfilled. Starting in the beginning and moving to modern times the author shows the miracle of how Israel has been, is and will always be. From the first promises to Abraham to the reestablishment of Israel as a nation, and the impossible odds, as a people and nation, Israel has overcome! This book is a great resource to have (in the back of the book there are lots of extras, my favorite is a breakdown of the promises fulfilled), a wealth of information and history!
Miracle of Israel
Review by Santina
Wow! Miracle of Israel is packed with great information about the past, present, and future of Israel. It clearly shows how God keeps His promises to His people. The fascinating facts and amazing prophecy sections are very interesting and I feel like this would be a great read for middle school and up.
fascinating and enlightening
Review by Lacee
God keeps his promises! I’m not finished with the book yet but it’s fascinating to me. It is divided into 3 sections: the past, present and future. I like each of the prophecy sections - truly showing what God said and what has happened. I also really like all the Fascinating Facts sprinkled throughout the text.
Interesting read
Review by Dustie
This is a really interesting read, especially in light of current events. It tells the story of God’s chosen people from Abraham on. Some of the stories are familiar biblical or historical accounts, and others are new to me. Together they paint the picture of the story of God’s love for His people. What makes this book unique is that it ties the stories together to paint a beautiful picture of the story of the Israelites. I love the author’s explanation of God being eternal and seeing all of history and the future as if it has all already taken place, which should only build our trust in Him. In learning of His plan and faithfulness, we can be very confident of His plan and faithfulness in the future!
God is Faithful!
Review by JoyfulMommy
This was a fascinating book to read as it shows God‘s hand of protection and His faithfulness to His covenant with Israel over the centuries. I enjoyed the whirlwind trip through history, starting with God’s call and covenant with Abraham all the way through Scripture and then in more recent history. It’s amazing to see so many prophecies fulfilled right down to the details and realize there are more still being and yet to be fulfilled. Truly what a miracle it is that God preserved His people while scattered for almost two millennia, and then regathered them again in their own land - just as He promised! And to read of the many miracles through that and subsequent wars and events since leaves the reader in no doubt that God still has His hand on His chosen people and He will fulfill all He has promised!

All of this is fascinating to read and understand about Israel, but the author brings it to powerful personal application in the last chapter: “The very fact that God is and will make good on His promises to the Jew is proof positive He will keep each and every promise He has made to all who choose to follow Him.” What confidence for those who trust Jesus as their Savior and are following Him now, eagerly anticipating His return to claim His rightful rule from the throne of David!
A Testament to God's Faithfulness
Review by Virginia
Miracle of Israel, written by Gary Frazier and Jim Fletcher, is a great book about our Covenant Keeping God and the nation of Israel. In order to comprehend God's faithfulness to us, as believers, we must understand His faithfulness to Israel. This book includes thought-provoking questions, fascinating facts, and explanations of prophecies fulfilled. It should spur the reader to a deeper understanding and love for Israel and for our Father.
Review by Yulia
A wonderful and encouraging book. This book teaches about how Israel started and, then, shows how God kept Israel through the times, and how He promises to do so in the future. it is a faith builder and a wonderful encouragement to see God's faithfulness, mercy, grace and love to Israel and through Israel to the rest of the world. This book lets the reader grow deeper in their relationship with God to see His heart.
Wonderful read! Highly recommend.
Loved this book!
Review by Becky V.
Miracle of Israel, written by Gary Frazier and Jim Fletcher, is a book that has fascinated me. I enjoyed the journey that this book took me through the history of the Jewish people all the way to present day. There were things that I’ve read before or previously known, but there were many instances that I was just shown and reminded of the truth that God absolutely keeps His promises to those He calls His own.
Fantastic book!
Review by Sara
Israel is certainly a miracle. The fact that the nation is again together and thriving should make everyone a believer based off of all the prophecies throughout the Bible. This book goes over Israel’s amazing love story with its creator: Past, present, and future. It emphasizes the amazing ways God keeps His promises and has His sovereign hand on everything, especially Israel.
I thoroughly enjoyed the fascinating facts throughout the chapters, and pictures! The appendix was really a great thing to hold on to - a list of fulfillment of prophecies, declaration of independence, and understanding various concepts concerning Israel. A perfect coffee table book for conversation starters or a gift for loved ones!
Good reader
Review by Ashley
In this book there are 3 sections. The Past has 3 chapters covering the beginning and Father Abraham, the Reign of Judges Saul David and Solomon, and the Prophets. Section 2 titled The Present covering Jesus Years, Next Year in Jerusalem, The State of Israel is Born, and Israel Today. Section 3 covers The Future covering God’s End Game, The Millennial Kingdom and Glory. There is also 6 appendix sections which talk about the prophecies fulfilled at the first coming of Christ, Israel’s Declaration of Independence, fulfillment of Biblical prophecies, Use of “Palestine” versus “Israel,” Understanding judgement. At the beginning of the book, it starts asking you questions that make you really think. After you read it defines the word miracle, and what it is. After reading this book go back and think about the questions then you realize you have just in a different way. I really enjoyed reading this book and will be recommending it to a few people I know.

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