The New Answers Book 2


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Christians live in a culture with more questions than ever - questions that affect one's acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. Now, discover easy-to-understand answers that reach core truths of the Christian faith and apply the biblical worldview to a wide variety of subjects.

A Look Inside

SKU M537-2
Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 1.00
Title New Answers Book 2
Subtitle Over 30 Questions on Creation/Evolution and the Bible
Series Answers
ISBN 13 9780890515372
Contributors Ken Ham
Binding Paperback
Page Count 380
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 5 1/2 x 8 x 1

What happens when you have more “hot” questions on the Bible and creationism than you can answer in one book? You create a second volume! The New Answers Book 2 explores over 30 exciting and faith-affirming topics, including:

  • The fall of Lucifer and the origin of evil
  • When does life begin (and why does it matter)?
  • Is evolution a religion (and why should I care)?
  • Archaeology, Egyptian Chronology, and the great flood
  • Could early biblical figures like Noah really live to over 900 years of age?
  • What was the Star of Bethlehem (and how did the wise men follow it)?
  • The “Evolutionization” of our culture — including intelligent design, gay marriage, Hollywood movies, and more!

Explore these and other topics, answered biblically and logically in this book from the world’s largest apologetics ministry, Answers in Genesis.

Contributors include Ken Ham, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, Dr. Danny Faulkner, Mike Riddle, and more.

Great Resource
Review by Angela
This book has really allowed my daughter to think about tough questions and help develop her world view.
Good primer
Review by Ben
The Answers books are good primers on many of the issues that Christians with face. The second book has a heavy emphasis on the Bible side of apologetics with some questions not actually in the realm of creation apologetics (such as why we have 66 books in the Bible and defending the deity of Christ). These Answer books are good books to have on your shelf when you need to answers an argument against the Bible.
A must have book
Review by Jessica
This book is a must have for any home library and homeschooling family. Doesn’t just give you the answers, explains them and uses the Bible to back it up.
Thumbs up
Review by Michelle
Raising our kids to have a Biblical worldview is very important to us. This book has been a great source of information and is easy to understand.
Great book
Review by Jodi
Great book that answers many tough questions.
Amazing information
Review by Natalie
Every Christian home should own this set of books. Thank you for providing thorough answers to some tough questions. These books will be a valuable resource in teaching my daughter when she’s old enough.
Review by Kelly
First I checked this book out from the library but honestly we loved it so much we will be buying the set. Such a wonderful resource to prepare you to answer thise tough questions
Are You looking for Answers?
Review by Kal's Mom
This appropriately titled book does just that! It answers over 30 questions regarding Creation vs. Evolution using the Bible. I find this book, using the Bible, really helps you understand tough questions like The fall of Lucifer and the origin of evil. Get ready for some in-depth discussions.
Great Resources
Review by Shell
We actually got this book in a set of 4. We have enjoyed going through this series during our family devotion time. Highly recommend the entire set.
Helps answer Tough questions
Review by Danae
I love how each book tackles different hard questions giving extremely well backed by real facts and Biblical referenced answers. It’s GREAT for Adults to increase their knowledge and for teens to wrestle with, ask questions and dig deeper. We are working through this with a Junior Higher slowly and it’s added great jumping off points for us.

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