Discussions about race are inundated with political correctness and cultural buzzwords. Yet, it is critical to have this difficult conversation with children today in a way they can understand – and God has given us a simple, powerful
answer in the Bible.
Apologetics powerhouse Ken Ham provides children important insight and a biblical foundation that combat the evolutionary nonsense of multiple human races. From the Garden of Eden to our world today, there is just one race – the human race – and once you understand that, racism loses its power!
Brings a uniquely biblical and easy-to-understand perspective to the cultural issue of racism
Sweeps aside popular talking points to get to the real heart of the issue as a matter of sin
Upends stereotypes by sweeping away the flawed science of Darwin’s worldview
Go to the heart of this cultural issue! Racism cannot be solved by laws, educational programs, or secular science. It is a sin and only God has the solution.
Discussions about "race" are too often confused with political correctness or cultural buzzwords. Yet, it is vital to have this difficult conversation with children in a way they can understand. And God has given us a simple, powerful answer in the Bible.
Reveals how biblical history makes clear what science is only now understanding
Addresses cultural differences, people groups, and the science of skin tones
Sweeps away the flawed evolutionary foundation of racism with God’s enduring truth!
Apologetics powerhouse Ken Ham provides children important insight and a biblical foundation that combats the idea of human "races." From the Garden of Eden to our world today, there is just one race – the human race. Once you understand that, racism loses its power!
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Customer Reviews
Highly Recommend
Review byVictoria
I so appreciate how this book thoroughly goes over God's intricate design in people. It goes over how there is "One Race"...the "Human Race." It breaks down the walls of Critical Race Theory and immerse your kids in scripture. This is wonderful. A must read!
A good read
Review byRose
Just finished reading this book with my fourth grader. I love how it show the difference in creation and evolution and even shows how belief in evolution has led to racism. It was a bit repetitive but in a good way, I thought. Kids need to hear things several times for it to sink in. He had a good understanding of the truth that we are all one race, the human race right from the start in Genesis and the variations we see today were programmed by God into our genes so people would be able to adapt to the new environments they traveled to and where they settled as people groups. I think he really got a lot out of this book. Highly recommend.
EVERYONE Should Read This Book
Review byMelissa
While I do recommend this book and give it 4 stars for it's biblical message, I did find it a bit annoying that the book was extremely repetitive. I do think the book could be at least 25% fewer pages if it didn't repeat whole sentences so many times. I understand the importance of repitition for reminders, but it was a bit excessive. However, I do think it shares truths about the human race that ALL PEOPLE need to hear. My children and myself read through the entire book, in small sections each time to allow for information to be absorbed and have discussions together. The photos in the book are beautiful and are great visuals to help us understand the message even more. We are grateful for Ken Ham's books and own several of them.
Good Book
Review bySARA
Good information! My kids and I enjoyed to read it. Beautiful
Review byMelinda
With all the things going on in the world regarding race, I wanted to find something with a Biblical viewpoint to talk to my kids who were asking questions. This is a wonderful resource that holds to Biblical truth of us all being created in Gods image!
a much needed resource
Review byShauna
A great and informative resource, especially in our current times.
Well done book
Review byHannah
Love having this book on hand in our homeschool. It's the truth taught from a biblical perspective. It can like all things be adapted when needed to simplify for a special needs learner, or very young child. Recommend to everyone. It's a great teaching tool.
Great for all ages
Review byAngela
I bought this for my children, but it's great for all ages. Uses science and the Bible to explain there is only one race- the human race.
So needed today
Review byJonda
We haven't really gotten into the book a lot, but this is a topic that needs to be discussed, especially in today's climate! It is a beautiful, high quality book!
We are all God's creation
Review byKat
I have always told my kids that God made us all different. Like eye or hair color, there are different skin colors yet we are all God's creation. This is a wonderful addition to our MB book collection! This is our 2nd year homeschooling with Master Books. I tell every HSing parent I meet about how wonderful the books are. My children are learning, improving, and growing in their Faith.