Discussions about race are inundated with political correctness and cultural buzzwords. Yet, it is critical to have this difficult conversation with children today in a way they can understand – and God has given us a simple, powerful
answer in the Bible.
Apologetics powerhouse Ken Ham provides children important insight and a biblical foundation that combat the evolutionary nonsense of multiple human races. From the Garden of Eden to our world today, there is just one race – the human race – and once you understand that, racism loses its power!
Brings a uniquely biblical and easy-to-understand perspective to the cultural issue of racism
Sweeps aside popular talking points to get to the real heart of the issue as a matter of sin
Upends stereotypes by sweeping away the flawed science of Darwin’s worldview
Go to the heart of this cultural issue! Racism cannot be solved by laws, educational programs, or secular science. It is a sin and only God has the solution.
Discussions about "race" are too often confused with political correctness or cultural buzzwords. Yet, it is vital to have this difficult conversation with children in a way they can understand. And God has given us a simple, powerful answer in the Bible.
Reveals how biblical history makes clear what science is only now understanding
Addresses cultural differences, people groups, and the science of skin tones
Sweeps away the flawed evolutionary foundation of racism with God’s enduring truth!
Apologetics powerhouse Ken Ham provides children important insight and a biblical foundation that combats the idea of human "races." From the Garden of Eden to our world today, there is just one race – the human race. Once you understand that, racism loses its power!
Customer Reviews
Overall, good content
Review byKristin
I bought the digital copy on a flash sale. I've enjoyed it myself, and have looked at it with my kids some although they are a bit young for it. I was a little disappointed to see a few of the people portrayed as lighter than "middle brown," although the description might say that. For example, the main part of the book shows Jesus as being fairly light skinned, and at the end it has a page with "what He probably looked like" that shows significantly darker skin than the rest of the book. I would have liked that to have been consistent. But the content is very good.
We are one blood
Review byKari
In a world where there are so much conflicting information and social unrest, I am so thankful for this book. It teaches my kids we are all one blood, gives them scientific information that aligns biblically regarding different nationalities.
Review byKimberly
I bought the digital copy on the flash sale. The illustrations and the content were so beautifully woven together I wanted to buy the hard copy too. I love that this book gives my children a biblical understanding of race and they are all able to see we all but one.
Review byKimberly
I bought the digital copy on the flash sale. The illustrations and the content were so beautifully woven together I wanted to buy the hard copy too. I love that this book gives my children a biblical understanding of race and they are all able to see we all but one.
An Exceptional Digital Flash Sale Find!
Review byHeidi
I had this book on my list of list to order because the title snagged my attention. I love an opportunity to show my 7 year old Biblical insight. He never sees race or disabilities because he believes that we are all the same. I can not wait to read this with him! This is such a great asset!
Great conversation starter
Review byMelissa
We’ve just started reading through this as a family, and already it has opened up a lot of discussion and questions. It approaches things biblically, and that is something I really appreciate.
Love it!
Review byAriasil
I'm loving this book for myself, can't wait to get to it with my kids!
Very good source to learn about race differences or more so unity
Review byJulie
I really liked learning about where idea of race came from. Some of these ideas were very new to me, but make sense. A great book to gain God’s perception of race and love for all people. Thank you
God's Relative Race
Review byLea
Relevant, Relative, Relational,
This Insightful Book has Truth's I can share with my Children and keep for generations to come, It left a song in my Heart:
Red, and Yellow, Black and White they are Precious in His Sight Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World.
A Lovely Introduction to the Discussion on Race
Review byCristina, AHomeschoolMom
As one might expect of any Ken Ham materials, this book lays a thorough, Biblical foundation for the discussion on race. Readers will find the book engaging, thoughtful, insightful, and educational. This would be a perfect teaching tool to compliment a scientific study on the concept. Full-color illustrations and a remarkable overall layout will have readers wanting more.