Teach Them Diligently


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How many generations does it take to lose the culture?

According to the Bible — it only takes one.

In her first book, author Leslie Nunnery shines a much-needed light on the struggle many parents are having to pass on a godly legacy to their children. She gets right to a fundamental weakness of Christian parenting in this post-modern era: we have forgotten the importance and the privilege of parenting children today. Nunnery offers highlights from the cautionary tale of the Israelites' poor parenting to illuminate what is happening today in many Christian homes: though God has given us the tools to teach our children, we often fail to use them.

— Heidi St. John

A Look Inside

SKU M113-7
Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 0.50
Title Teach Them Diligently
Subtitle Raising Children of Promise
ISBN 13 9781683441137
Contributors Leslie Nunnery
Binding Paperback
Page Count 142
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 5 1/2 x 8 1/2

It’s easy to say we trust Christ for everything, but are we living that truth? We’ve been given clear instruction in a powerful promise for parents. God tells us in Deuteronomy to “teach our children diligently.” This passage and many others give us great insight as to how to do that and enjoy the promised blessing that always accompanies the mandates we are given.

  • Learn the practical view of discipleship parenting, what God expects from parents, and how to put these truths into action
  • See how parenting with the vision of teaching them diligently will intentionally bear fruit and affect change in your own life as well
  • Move beyond giving lip-service to what you believe, and make the conscious choice to rely on the wisdom of God’s holy instruction for your life and parenting.

So, why are we as Christian parents still uncertain? Why do we live in fear? Why are we losing our children in record numbers? What can we do about it?

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • 1. Parenting: God’s Great Mystery?
  • 2. The Privilege of the Position
  • 3. Preparing the Parent
  • 4. Heart Check: The Fear of the Lord
  • 5. Action Time: Keep His Statutes and Commandments
  • 6. Teach Them Diligently: Discipleship-Focused Parenting in Action
  • 7. Train Them Up
  • 8. The Importance of Our Conversations
  • 9. Telling Your Story
  • 10. What Are We Going For? How Do We Get There?
  • 11. Sometimes “Teach Them Diligently” Gets Very Personal
  • 12. How Can We Tell It’s Working?
  • 13. What Does Discipleship-Focused Parenting NOT Look Like?
  • 14. Raising Children of Promise
  • 15. A List of Practical Ideas for Discipleship
  • About the Author


I love Leslie's focus on discipleship-based parenting and her heart to help parents. As parents, we must first be what we want our children to become, and she nails that. If you are looking for a discipleship-based parenting book, you've found a great one.

Kirk Cameron

Leslie Nunnery is the real-deal — she loves the Lord; she enjoys a God-glorifying life with her husband and children, and she finds direction through prayer — leading others from her knees

Ann Dunagan

Grab a cup of coffee, take a deep, relaxing breath, and get ready to be blessed by this inspiring new book.

Israel Wayne

Put Leslie's superb book in your arsenal of parenting weapons as you take up the noble charge of raising the next generation of kingdom-building saints!

Chuck Black

Definitely Encouraging
Review by Ashley
I read this book in about 2 hours--very easy read with lots of doctrinally sound encouragement. If you are a parent who is struggling with prioritizing Biblical truths in your parenting--this book will definitely help. If you are a parent already doing that, this book will encourage you to keep doing it. I am giving this book away to a momma in my homeschool co-op because it was THAT good. Nunnery does a fantastic job bringing everything back to God's word, which is the ultimate Truth. Such a great read!
Be encouraged
Review by Victoria
Take heart...Christ has overcome the world. Nunnery does a great job leaving parents feeling encouraged in the training of their children to follow Jesus.
So good!
Review by Brittany
This is such a great read for all parents…so encouraging and reassuring for us as we aim to raise our precious children for Him!
Review by Ingrid
As a person and as a parent we keep learning every day. A good tool must parent should have.
Good parenting resource
Review by Samantha
This is a Biblically sound and deeply encouraging book. The chapters are filled with hope and encouragement. Teach them Diligently is focused on discipleship based parenting from the heart.
Such Wisdom
Review by Ryley
I very much enjoyed this book, and my highlighter mark all through it proves it!! There is such great wisdom and insight on raising our kids to love and live for God. Such encouraging words!! When you think you're not making a difference...you are!!
This is one to reread again and again
Review by Melissa
Such great reminders of our main goals in parenting- raising Godly children.
Great resource
Review by Kelli
Very encouraging and a great source for parents during our day to day lives with our kids!
Great tool
Review by Marie
This is a great tool for parents, it serves as a source of info and encouragement
Highly Recommended It
Review by Belle
This is one of the best books on parenting that I’ve read. Great resource for all parent who want to raise godly children. Very encouraging.
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