The Long War Against God (The Henry Morris Signature Collection - Download)

The Long War Against God (The Henry Morris Signature Collection - Download)


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The denial of God is the root of every human problem, taking many forms over time — one of which is evolution. And this concept goes much farther back in time than we think.

In The Long War Against God, the late Dr. Henry Morris, a renowned creationist, delves into the history of modern atheistic worldviews. Drawing from the writings of the Greeks, Babylonians, and other ancient philosophers, Morris demonstrates the long history and age of the plan to undermine God’s Word. Whether it’s evolutionism, humanism, pantheism, or atheism, Morris illuminates the past and present of these belief systems that seek to eliminate God.

The Long War Against God will give you the tools you need to strengthen your own — and others’ — faith in the battle for God’s truth.

SKU K175-5
Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 0.00
Title The Long War Against God (The Henry Morris Signature Collection - Download)
Contributors Dr. Henry Morris
Page Count 464
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC

Darwin Challenged God's Word With Evolution...But Was He The Only One?

  • Discover the old, ongoing war against biblical truth
  • Dissect the origins of and arguments for atheistic thought
  • Determine what you can do to defend your faith

The denial of God is the root of every human problem, taking many forms over time — one of which is evolution. And this concept goes much farther back in time than we think.

In The Long War Against God, the late Dr. Henry Morris, a renowned creationist, delves into the history of modern atheistic worldviews. Drawing from the writings of the Greeks, Babylonians, and other ancient philosophers, Morris demonstrates the long history and age of the plan to undermine God’s Word. Whether it’s evolutionism, humanism, pantheism, or atheism, Morris illuminates the past and present of these belief systems that seek to eliminate God.

The Long War Against God will give you the tools you need to strengthen your own — and others’ — faith in the battle for God’s truth.

Table of Contents

  • 1. The Evolutionary Basis of Modern Thought
  • 2. Political Evolutionism — Right and Left
  • 3. Evolutionist Religion and Morals
  • 4. The Dark Nursery of Darwinism
  • 5. The Conflict of the Ages
  • 6. The Everlasting Gospel
  • Subject Index
  • Name Index
  • Scripture Index
Read it!
Review by HeaTher
Not a light read but very rewarding! This is a heavy topic in the Christian community and widely misunderstood. Written in 1986 and relevant decades later, it clearly defines the issues and confusion in the theory of evolution and exposes the harmful myths which have so permeated our society. Henry Morris brings it home with explanations that make sense for non scientific people.
Throughout this book there is no sugar coating or “on the fence” tolerance for the theory of evolution. There are no “grey areas” or “maybes”. He writes confidentiality knowing his words will cause backlash and “Evolutionists of all stripes will sure oppose and ridicule”. He sums it up that “evolution is outside the scope of genuine science and has certainly not been proven by science” I do highly recommend this book.
An Essential Book for Everyone’s Library
Review by LLB
No matter what stage of life or sphere of influence you find yourself in, Dr. Morris’ book, The Long War Against God, is an essential addition to your library. As evolution has infiltrated every aspect of education, culture, and government, it is important to understand its origins, its influence, its deception, and its antidote. Dr. Morris thoroughly lays out the history of evolution in a very systematic and methodical way. He explains its continued perpetuation in our own minds, culture, government, churches, and educational systems, with a special indictment on our universities, which originally taught the truth of God’s Word, and the Church, which failed to defend its sheep against this insidious deception. He reveals the origins of evolution’s self-proclaimed “proofs” used to deceive the masses. He proclaims the truth of God as the Creator and an unswerving allegiance to the infallible and unerring Word of God as the solution for bringing an end to this lie. Dr. Morris challenges his readers: “Evolutionism is uniquely and pervasively important! Christians in particular- and any others who still believe in a personal, transcendent, omnipotent God - urgently need to wake up to the deadly dangers that lie ahead. Evolutionary humanism is far more than a scientific theory. It is being vigorously and more and more successfully promoted as the coming world religion, world culture, and world government” (p. 198). Whatever your position, educational status, or sphere of influence, this is an essential addition to your library to read and reference over and over again.
Detailed and informative
Review by Samantha
This book is very informative and eye opening. I had no idea that the idea of “evolution” was so strongly based on racism and pride… it’s a tragedy. It exposes the ideas that have been ingrained in daily things and glazed over like they belong there, even by brother and sisters in Christ who have yet to see the true roots or to understand the complexities and dangers from teaching our children so contrary to the Word of God.
A serious and heavy read but very detailed and informative.
Excellent Refutation of Evolution
Review by Wooded Acres - Ginger Wood
As we, parents in the 21 century, continue to educate our children, reading this book is a must! I will keep this book as a reference book to use as my children finish elementary school and head into their teen years and beyond. The depth of knowledge that Morris uses is unparalleled. His approach in the form of history with proofs is undeniable. Excellent source of data to refute evolution and to prove the Bible is true.
Age-old battle
Review by Alishaundra
The Long War Against God seeks to explain how evolution is a tool used to fight the age long battle against the God of all creation. In fact, at the end, it actually credits Satan with using it to his advantage. In supporting his point, the author explain how the theory falls apart in almost every scientific approach. Physics believes evolution true because biology says it is, biology believes it because of paleontology, etc. No group has been able to prove it. As the author says, “Its “evidence,” however, is entirely mathematical, since none of these evolutionary stages have ever been observed, nor could they ever be reproduced in the laboratory.” This theory of evolution is neither observed nor reproduced; therefore, the hypothesis hasn't been proven. This book helps to solidify the argument that evolution is merely a tool to discredit the Gospel.
An eye opener!
Review by Michelle
As Christians we should all be reading this book to understand just how heavily our world is impacted by evolution theory. From historical and political events all the way through to current educational foundations. Flying blind exposes our children to the risk of compromising the beliefs we are trying to raise them up with. It is for sure a heavier book to read but most definitely has immense value and importance.

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