The Wild Brothers: Tiger Trail


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Get ready for an amazing underwater adventure! The hard-working Wild family is joined by missionary friends for some restful “down time” at a nearby island’s tropical shoreline. However in true Wild family style, the boys (and their parents) soon set out to discover new things about God’s creation.

SKU V30-9-510
Weight (in lbs) 0.40
Title The Wild Brothers: Tiger Trail
Series The Wild Brothers
Volume in Series 4
UPC Code 881994008452
Binding DVD Video
Duration (in Minutes) 30
Publisher Answers in Genesis

Has the legendary Tasmanian tiger been found?

In Tiger Trail, the Wild brothers track the legendary Tasmanian tiger (called “Mbakngge” by island natives). This striped, howling creature is supposed to be extinct, yet sightings have been reported for years. Tribal people tell stories that sound accurate. Now this adventurous missionary family is determined to uncover the truth as they deepen their relationships with the people of their mountain.

Hike along as Morgan, Hudson, Kian, and Asher gather clues through paw print tracking and a remote trail camera to close in on this scientific rediscovery. Led by their father and guided by tribals, the Wild brothers witness the beauty and danger of God’s creation in the jungle, including misty mountains, river rapids, and massive waterfalls! So get your family together, and have your discussion guide ready, to fully enjoy an adventure you will never forget!

Kids enjoy it
Review by Rozanna
Though it was pretty short it was fun to watch and the kids enjoyed learning about another culture. The kids think they are pretty cool!
Love the Suspense
Review by YF
It shows appreciation for how hard it is to glean a look or to catch a rare wild animal. We love to follow the adventure of the Wild family' endeavor in tracking it. Drinking the water squeezed from moss is certainly a drastic measure to ensure survival. An eye opener.
We love it!
Review by Nay
My kids really like the Wild Brothers. Their adventures are very interesting while God and a Biblical world view is an on going theme. I am glad there are resources such as this that I can safely allow my children to watch.
short episode, but good
Review by Kelly
I got this through our library loan system. It is good, but was very short! I don't feel it is worth owning (since it is such a short episode) but neat to watch once.

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