Who Am I? Solving the Identity Puzzle


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In Who Am I?, Martyn Iles, the Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis, confronts the cultural shift towards self-created identity with truth and hope from God’s Word. This book is a double-edged sword of biblical truth meant to penetrate and dispel the deception covering our culture. Whether used in family devotions, Bible study groups, or evangelical events, Who Am I? empowers readers to reclaim a biblically rooted understanding of identity. Graphically designed to appeal to this generation and easy to read, this critical Christian resource points readers towards the transformative work of Christ on the Cross.

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Book Trailer

Who Am I?

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Podcast Interview Excerpts with Martyn Iles

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SKU M370-4
Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 1.00
Title Who Am I?
Subtitle Solving the Identity Puzzle
ISBN 13 9781683443704
Contributors Martyn Iles
Binding Hardback
Page Count 208
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 5 x 7

Who am I? This question holds great significance, and the answer is defining a generation and impacting eternity. Martyn Iles, the Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis, masterfully equips this generation with truth and hope providing a compelling biblical apologetic on this issue of identity in his book, Who Am I? 

The freedom to create or choose your own identity is being normalized by our culture. This self-created worldview leads to self-worship. According to Iles, this age of identity “is immunizing a generation against a sense of their sinfulness and desperate need before God. It is telling them to take that for which Christ had to die — their “true selves” — and to embrace it, live by it, and be proud of it. This is a message that ensures people will never get over the threshold of God’s kingdom because they will never be poor in spirit. It is condemning a generation to hell.” Pg 32 

“As you read this book, you’ll dive deep into Genesis and God’s design for mankind. Martyn pulls out eternal truths that the church has long taught and known and applies them anew for a lost and confused generation. And he does so in a way that points to Christ and His completed work for us on the Cross.” Ken Ham, Founding CEO of Answers in Genesis 

Read Who Am I? to anchor yourself and your family in the gospel. While the world chooses to indoctrinate even the youngest students to dismiss God’s law, this graphically engaging and easy to read, Christian resource will arm you with the pure wisdom of the incorruptible Word of God. Use Who Am I? in family devotions, Bible study groups, and evangelical events allowing the double-edged sword of the Bible to penetrate and remove the veil of deception covering our culture. 

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Identity
    • The Inward Look
    • The Big Mistake
    • In The Beginning, GOD
  • The Identity Puzzle
    • Piece #1: Made - Genesis 1:26 - "Let Us make Mankind"
    • Piece #2: Display - Genesis 1:27 - "So, God created man in His own image."
    • Piece #3: Eternal - Genesis 2:7 - "The LORD God...breathed into his nostrils the breath of life"
    • Piece #4: Dust - Genesis 2:7 - "Then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground"
    • Piece #5: Dominion - Genesis 1:28 - "...and have dominion"
    • Piece #6: Gender - Genesis 1:27 - "Male and female He created them."
    • Piece #7: Fallen - Genesis 5:3 - "Adam...fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image"
    • Piece #8: Restored - 1 Corinthians 15:49 - "...we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven"
  • The Solution
    • So, Who Am I?


“Actors learn to swap identities with each new role. In today’s selfie world, young people today think they’re starring in a movie about themselves, trying to figure out what character to play. “Who am I” brilliantly reminds us that as image bearers of God, our identity is secure. Learn how each of us are set apart, cherished, gifted and commissioned to enter the stage of the world, right on cue, and live out the role of a lifetime.”

Kirk Cameron, Actor, Filmmaker

“Not too many have their finger on the pulse of a generation, as does Martyn. And there are not many with the godly eloquence and passion needed to communicate to them. May God bless this vital publication and use it to extend His Kingdom.”

Ray Comfort, Founder & CEO, Living Waters

In Whom Am I?, Martyn Iles grounds human identity in the biblical portraits of mankind found in Genesis and the New Testament—as creature, image-bearer, and dominion-wielder, as well as in his fallen and restored states. Expressive individualism has taken Western society by storm and has led to confusion, identity crises, depression, anxiety, misery, and even suicide—especially among young people. The only remedy for this dire situation is the liberating gospel of Jesus Christ, the true Man, who restores us to our true humanity, grounds our identity in Himself, points us away from ourselves toward God and others, and reconciles us with the triune God in everlasting bliss. In this engaging, relevant, and thought-provoking book, Iles boldly tackles controversial issues of anthropology from a biblical perspective—from work to gender identity and confusion, to the distinct roles of men and women. My prayer is that the Lord will mightily use this work to bring the gospel to the next generation!

Joel R. Beeke, Chancellor and Professor of Homiletics & Systematic Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

"Many in our generation are not merely in confusion about their human identity and gender, they are in rebellion. With bold and uncompromising conviction, Martyn Iles calls us back to the only possible standard by which we can properly understand ourselves and our life's purpose: The nature and character of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures."

Israel Wayne, Author, Conference Speaker and Founder of Family Renewal, LLC

"Martyn Iles masterfully applies the Word of God to the many questions swirling about in our 'Age of Identity.' Who am I? compels us to find answers, not by looking inward, but by looking outward and upward. As a former public-school teacher of 13 years, I can attest to the detrimental impact Gender Ideology has had on our youth; this book provides biblical answers to the questions on identity and invites the reader to take another look, not at self, but at God. Iles hits the nail on the head with this desperately needed and timely message of finding one’s identity in Christ!"

John Stamper, Author of Conflicted: Pulling Back the Curtain on Public Education, author, teacher, homeschooler, and podcast host

"Martyn Iles has an almost unrivalled gift of showing how the Bible's teachings are vitally relevant for our times. Who Am I? is a key book for this generation of youth to read. It's also the book for parents, teachers, and pastors to read in order to properly guide the youth through a confusing period of their lives, a confusion not helped by living in an even more confused age. Who Am I? shows how secular humanist ideas of human identity are fundamentally misleading and must inevitably result in confusion and despair. By carefully working through the Bible, Iles shows in the clearest terms what the truth is about who we are as human beings and, importantly, as males and females. Iles' book will arm a generation of youths with the means of resisting secular humanist and woke indoctrination and set their lives on the foundation of truth. Church study and youth groups in particular will be blessed by Iles' book. I have no doubt Who Am I? will play a significant role in turning the tide against the secular humanism of our age."

Dr Stephen Chavura Ph.D., Author, Commentator, Historian

"From the beginning Satan has enticed mankind with the lie from Genesis 3, that humanity can usurp the creator God and His rule over all. In the present moment, our society inhabits a Romans 1 existence, where the creature is worshipped rather than the Creator. Martyn Iles reminds believers that this deception is as old as creation and that the fraud of self-identity is streaming through our culture yielding the fruit of chaos and death upon those who like Eve succumb to Satan’s treachery. This book is to remind us that ultimately God’s Word and our divinely created identity are essential in the battle against evil. It is encouraging and informative and calls us to remember that we should not be disconsolate while living in this world, as God’s Word abides in us and through Him, we have overcome the evil one."

Philip Webb, The Master’s Seminary, Hymns of Grace

Thought provoking & humbling
Review by Laura
We have all heard “you are a child of God” or “you are God’s prince/princess” etc. That is not what this book is about. While those are true things, they just puff us up with pride & entitlement. The search for our identity in most cases starts with looking at our feelings or desires. What could be more disastrous considering how wicked our hearts are? The focus of this book is to look at our identity starting from the very beginning of the Bible. When you take a look at creation, we are actually a created being made from dust. Our true identity should lead us to repentance. From there God can start to change our hearts from being made in the image of man to one that truly reflects His image. This is a book that I believe everyone would benefit from reading & we should read it every so often throughout our lives.
Outstanding book
Review by Kathleen C
This book addresses what identity means is the world we live in today. The focus in on looking inward.

The truth is, you can never actually know yourself until you first acknowledge who God is.

The author writes “When we are being emptied of self, we may receive from His fullness.”

The Who Am I question is answered from God’s authority, not from our own authority.

The author shows us how to learn about who we are by understanding God’s word.

Topics include:
-We are made by God
-We were made to bear His Image by knowing Him and putting His holiness and righteousness on display
-Our life is eternal
-We are creatures made from dust, we are not gods
-Dominion means we have a duty to bring God’s will to God’s world.
-We must live up to our design as a man or woman
-We are all sinners, fallen in Adam’s image.
-We can be restored to glory, only in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Regarding the question Who am I? The better question to ask is Who is God? When we find that answer, everything else will fall into place.

This book opened my eyes to some of the things that are out there that make us look at ourselves. Things that seem to justify why we should look inward. This understanding will help me to keep the focus on Him, not me. The more that I do that, the more I will truly learn who God created me to be.

I highly recommend this book.
Must Read
Review by Ashley
What a timely book to read. I really enjoyed this read. Much needed reading. The author is not afraid to talk about the difficult conversations. I liked it not only for that but for the topics that we hear more and more each day. Putting the focus on ourselves or them instead of the man upstairs. Reading this book mind blowing and a MUST READ.
Mind shifting
Review by Yulia
Wow! This is so different from any book I have read before, aside from the Bible, of course.

This book truly provokes mind shifting from our understanding of identity, which is human focused, to God’s understanding of our identity, which is based in God and His image. This is so good, I want all my family and friends to read it. This is, also, so needed for the time we live in. This book will surely stop the confusion we are experiencing, especially in the USA.

Highly recommend it!
Review by JoyfulMommy
In a time and culture when people are encouraged to look to themselves for truth, this book clearly lays out from Scripture the foundational error of that thinking and points us to God’s Word as the only authority that will enable us to lead a life of stability and contentment in who God created us to be.

Ken Ham states it well in the foreword:
“As human beings under the curse of sin, when we look to ourselves for identity and truth, the result is confusion and chaos. Indeed, apart from God’s Word, there is only chaos! But God has not left us without an identity. We don’t need to look inside ourselves to find who we really are; we need to look outside ourselves to the Word of the One who created us. It’s there we find who we really are — and more than that, it’s there we find our meaning, our purpose, and our hope for now and eternity.”

Written in an engaging and easy-to-read, conversational style, this book leads us to think biblically about ourselves and helps us piece together eight “puzzle pieces” that help us to answer the question of our identity. Ultimately, it leads us to rejoice in a God Who loves us so much that He provided a way to be restored to fellowship with Him in perfect holiness and righteousness one day in heaven, while striving to grow in the knowledge of Him while on earth so we can be faithful “image-bearers” displaying His holiness and righteousness to the world around us.
Timely and sound!
Review by Dustie
“We don’t need to look inside ourselves to
find who we really are; we need to look
outside ourselves to the Word of the One
who created us.” What a timely book! With all of the confusing messages being touted to our children, this book helps bring truth back into the equation.
This book is a fresh look at some of the things we hear frequently. Some of them we hear often enough that we may not even realize that they are pridefully and foolishly putting the focus on self rather than God. Light is shed on the humanistic way of thinking that is in direct opposition of what scripture teaches.
I love that this author is not afraid to address difficult and controversial topics. These are addressed in love and with scripture as the foundation. The main take away is that if we start anywhere other than The Word in our search for defining our identity, we are destined for disaster and a future devoid of hope. When we submit to His authority and respect that the truth of our identity can only come from the Creator, we find true peace and joy.
This book is very thought provoking and definitely helps connect some puzzle pieces.
Timely and thought provoking!
Review by Krista
"Who am I" by Martyn Iles is a timely and thought-provoking book that delves into the current state of our society, which is characterized by perversity and deception. This book is a powerful reminder of the wisdom and truth that can be found in the midst of our culture's challenges.

One of the standout features of "Who am I" is its appeal and visual presentation. The book is eye-pleasing and engaging, making it easy for readers to dive into its content. Additionally, the author skillfully incorporates scripture throughout the book, which adds depth and relevance to the topics discussed.

The book is convicting, leaving readers with a sense of introspection and reflection. It highlights the biblical truth that humanity is inherently wicked and in desperate need of a savior. Martyn Iles does an excellent job of conveying this message in a way that captivates the reader's attention and prompts them to consider their own beliefs and actions.

"Who am I" is a page-turner that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. The author's ability to communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner makes the book accessible to a wide range of readers. Whether you are well-versed in biblical teachings or new to the subject matter, this book will leave a lasting impact.

In my opinion, "Who am I" by Martyn Iles is a must-read for anyone seeking wisdom and truth in today's society. It confronts the challenges of our culture head-on and offers a compelling perspective on the human condition. This book serves as a reminder that we are all in need of a savior and encourages readers to reflect on their own beliefs and actions.

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